Are you having barcoding issues related to incorrect data displaying? Are your scanners not properly reading your barcodes on your labels?
Are you having barcoding issues related to incorrect data displaying? Are your scanners not properly reading your barcodes on your labels?
Are you tired of barcoding and labeling your product inventory in an outdated way? Sick of wasting time and money on batches that are incorrectly labeled, or getting rejected by third party sellers like Amazon and Walmart for not conforming to their standards? Ready for an easy solution that will not only will solve your labeling compliance but will help set you on the path for better inventory management and allow your products to stand out from the rest?
Barcodes, labels, rugged scanners, printers, predictive analytics & RFID.
Key takeaways from: Closing the Trust Gap: Technology and the Food Supply Chain: The path toward better food safety through traceability and improved consumer confidence.A look at challenges around information for businesses in the food & beverage supply chain, and how technology can solve them.
Streamline your supply chain with a centralized database and decentralized printing.
Having labeling issues?
Many products in many industries have temperature requirements. They are not always the same but there is a solution. Zebra's electronic temperature sensors use wireless technology to monitor environments containing temperature-sensitive products. Bluetooth-enabled sensors offer mobile connectivity and data-sharing to help ensure temperature consistency and integrity.
Dedicated barcoding software for Salesforce that saves you time and money --- what’s not to love?
So you bought barcoding hardware (a scanner and printer); now what?
Scenario 1:
You need to replace a damaged barcode. Or you need to duplicate, replicate, and recreate an existing barcode. But you are stuck. You are not sure how to accomplish this task, or you are not sure what hardware and software combinations you need exactly. You do not want to spend frivolously, but you also do not want to waste time with an ineffective solution.
What’s one thing that e-commerce warehouses, and a manufacturers all have in common? --- a tremendous need for efficient printing and scanning of barcode labels.
Blood Tests, Barcodes, a Best Practices
Track and trace has always been important when controlling the chain of custody in food and drug distribution. But in 2020, levels of consumer medical testing are unprecedented --- and there is a hyper-focus on medical testing procedures. Millions of swabs are being taken and mass testing is happening, and keeping control of the chain of custody with the level of testing volume is daunting.
Hardware solutions for tracking lab samples & safely administering CV-19 tests
Winning the war on COVID-19 means having the ability to perform massive testing and isolation of those that are infected. But having bad barcode labels reduces our ability to inform individuals with timely accurate data.