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Motor Rebuilders Require Advanced Nylon Labeling Capabilities

Metropolitan Distributors, aka Roberts and Sons in Garfield, NJ rebuilds DC motors. They can rebuild starters, generators, hydraulic pumps; basically anything that has a DC motor.

Roberts and Son

Labeling Setup

Fifteen years ago, for all their parts labeling needs they used a single printer connected to a standalone keyboard. The keyboard talked to the printer and used preset formats, and they're still using that setup today. 

But along the way, they’ve added several more printers. Each printer is for a different sized label to go along with a different sized starter and other parts. 

Generally, their labels contain the same information each time. Sometimes it’s for their private-label business, but for the most part they are the same or very similar. Each of their labels features fields for “voltage,” “rotation,” and a date code. 

Problems Addressed

Their setup was pieced together over time, and at a certain point, it just wasn’t working for them.

When we were called in, we found that they were running on an old Windows 7 PC, so we sold them a new computer, two new printers, and a license for Bartender labeling software. We also installed all of their old label formats onto their new computer, and set up two new formats. These new label formats are used for super high-heat labels, designed to withstand temperatures of several hundred degrees Fahrenheit. 

Roberts and sons labeling setup with bartender software

These new labels use a technology known as “image lock,” and don’t employ the standard thermal ink transfer process. Instead, they use a nylon label on which ink from the top and bottom of the label bond together --- making it able to withstand extreme heat conditions. 

Roberts & Sons now uses seven different printers in total, handling seven different labels that are key to their customer success. As their needs have changed and their business has grown, we have been with them every step of the way to help with processes and efficiency. We are proud to have them as a client and excited to see what the next fifteen years will bring. 



Learn more about BarTender labeling software.